Sunday, June 29, 2008

Is There Anybody In There??

Ok people. I am new to this blogging thingy and I don't know if this web cam is working...can everyone see me?? I am 4mths/f from Maine and am looking for new friends. My Grampa fell asleep in his recliner again so I decided to use his puter. Here's a little about me...I like talking to myself for an hour or so when I wake up in the morning. I also like pooh bear and Spongebob, and my hobbys include eating, and pooping and playing with pooh (the bear that is). I don't cry much I would much rather laugh and play with my grandparents. They are old and funny. They are going to have to buy me new clothes pretty soon because I am getting so FAT. My grampa says it's because there's more going in then coming out. He apparently hasn't changed me lately. I can't wait to see my Grammy True again. She's gonna be sooooo shocked by how much I have grown. I can stand by myself now with very little help. I think I may be getting ahead of myself there because I can't even touch the floor when I sit in my walker yet,LMDO (diaper, duh) Anyway, If any one wants to chat sometime let me know, I don't plan on going anywhere right off.

Alexis Grace