Friday, July 11, 2008

Taking a break

Here's the low-down. Last winter's record snowfall took it's toll on my front porch. The shingles were falling off to begin with and we knew it wasn't going to be good. It survived the snow but it definitely would not last through another. The old wrought iron supports were bending and pushing though the roof. I properly supported the roof with spare 4x4's and 2 house jacks and took a look at the structure. The header board was totally rotten and the trim was shot. I was in shock at how delapatated it was. Mind you, this is one of the projects on the list of things to fix when we bought the house 8 years ago. There's just been countless updating to every room and bathroom since we bought it, landscaping and exterior work (with exceptions) seemed somewhat insignificant. This year we started with a little mulch and pruning shears and got caught with the fever. Here are some pics of the porch project. Now realize, the house is being painted next summer so the trim on the side of the porch remains shabby for now (no sense in clashing). Also, I plan on adding facia to the front.