Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Alexis

Isn't she a ham?? She really has become an animal. She will be a year next week. Unreal how time goes by. Smart as a whip and full of character.

I know it's been forever since I have blogged, it's hard for me. It seems like you "just have to be there". Not to mention it seems I have most of alexis on video now instead of pics. That really brings you closer to the moments. Everyone else is doing fine also, her parents are still looking for work. Her mom only has one test left for her GED which I am still glad she had the ambition to go back for. She is starting to grow up. She is a great mom like Tam and my mother thought she would be, I was a Doubting Thomas. The oldest boy excelled in basketball this season more than ever, and will be starting point guard for varsity next year. Make sure to read the papers, he was in them alot this past year. He has changed his mind on colleges and has decided that Thomas College has more to offer and a better record. We are looking into grants and financial aid right now and think we just might be able to fudge enough paperwork to get him in. (kidding) The yougest boy...well, he is still just Josh. He is a champ in his weight class in wrestling and a great defensive football player, but his maine love is music. He loves the guitar and is getting to be better than me....well, I tell him that anyway. We sound real good together. Tam and I are just Tam and I. We don't change, we just get older, me more than her. She is as beautiful as the day I met her. We have decided that we no longer plan on growing old together, we are already doing it.