Saturday, April 5, 2008

Is Dr. Phil really a doctor?

Don't she just make you wanna smile?? Cute outfit eh? Just before her first walmart trip. She slept through it, oh well.
Anyway? I watched a segment on Dr. Phil the other day about a mother and teenage son that were having issues getting along. The boy was a high school basketball champ and he was
going on about how his mother had no right to say she had any part of who he had become. Phil is siding with the boy on this. Mom says that her being there at his games growing up was a big part of his success. Well, Dr. Phil went of on her saying " I am sure he would have figured out how many points in a basket without you." ok. well, don't you think that a boy would try just a little harder when his parents are watching? Couldn't making his mom proud be a major factor in his accomplishment. Heck yes. Both sons play sports and I never pushed once. I just show up and cheer them on. They both quit the ones they didn't like and got good at the ones they did.