Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Alexis

Isn't she a ham?? She really has become an animal. She will be a year next week. Unreal how time goes by. Smart as a whip and full of character.

I know it's been forever since I have blogged, it's hard for me. It seems like you "just have to be there". Not to mention it seems I have most of alexis on video now instead of pics. That really brings you closer to the moments. Everyone else is doing fine also, her parents are still looking for work. Her mom only has one test left for her GED which I am still glad she had the ambition to go back for. She is starting to grow up. She is a great mom like Tam and my mother thought she would be, I was a Doubting Thomas. The oldest boy excelled in basketball this season more than ever, and will be starting point guard for varsity next year. Make sure to read the papers, he was in them alot this past year. He has changed his mind on colleges and has decided that Thomas College has more to offer and a better record. We are looking into grants and financial aid right now and think we just might be able to fudge enough paperwork to get him in. (kidding) The yougest boy...well, he is still just Josh. He is a champ in his weight class in wrestling and a great defensive football player, but his maine love is music. He loves the guitar and is getting to be better than me....well, I tell him that anyway. We sound real good together. Tam and I are just Tam and I. We don't change, we just get older, me more than her. She is as beautiful as the day I met her. We have decided that we no longer plan on growing old together, we are already doing it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Taking a break

Here's the low-down. Last winter's record snowfall took it's toll on my front porch. The shingles were falling off to begin with and we knew it wasn't going to be good. It survived the snow but it definitely would not last through another. The old wrought iron supports were bending and pushing though the roof. I properly supported the roof with spare 4x4's and 2 house jacks and took a look at the structure. The header board was totally rotten and the trim was shot. I was in shock at how delapatated it was. Mind you, this is one of the projects on the list of things to fix when we bought the house 8 years ago. There's just been countless updating to every room and bathroom since we bought it, landscaping and exterior work (with exceptions) seemed somewhat insignificant. This year we started with a little mulch and pruning shears and got caught with the fever. Here are some pics of the porch project. Now realize, the house is being painted next summer so the trim on the side of the porch remains shabby for now (no sense in clashing). Also, I plan on adding facia to the front.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Is There Anybody In There??

Ok people. I am new to this blogging thingy and I don't know if this web cam is working...can everyone see me?? I am 4mths/f from Maine and am looking for new friends. My Grampa fell asleep in his recliner again so I decided to use his puter. Here's a little about me...I like talking to myself for an hour or so when I wake up in the morning. I also like pooh bear and Spongebob, and my hobbys include eating, and pooping and playing with pooh (the bear that is). I don't cry much I would much rather laugh and play with my grandparents. They are old and funny. They are going to have to buy me new clothes pretty soon because I am getting so FAT. My grampa says it's because there's more going in then coming out. He apparently hasn't changed me lately. I can't wait to see my Grammy True again. She's gonna be sooooo shocked by how much I have grown. I can stand by myself now with very little help. I think I may be getting ahead of myself there because I can't even touch the floor when I sit in my walker yet,LMDO (diaper, duh) Anyway, If any one wants to chat sometime let me know, I don't plan on going anywhere right off.

Alexis Grace

Sunday, May 11, 2008

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!'s been a little over a month since I last blogged. Not alot has happened save for melted snow and green grass. Alexis is giving real smiles not just gas grins now, she's so adorable. Justin and Kenz had yet another prom yesterday. This one only cost about $400. At this rate...let me see... by the time he grads I will have paid roughly $1600 in proms. I will have regular prom pics soon and will post them. They are really growing up fast. Hope Mother and Sister both have a great mothers day, you ladies deserve it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Is Dr. Phil really a doctor?

Don't she just make you wanna smile?? Cute outfit eh? Just before her first walmart trip. She slept through it, oh well.
Anyway? I watched a segment on Dr. Phil the other day about a mother and teenage son that were having issues getting along. The boy was a high school basketball champ and he was
going on about how his mother had no right to say she had any part of who he had become. Phil is siding with the boy on this. Mom says that her being there at his games growing up was a big part of his success. Well, Dr. Phil went of on her saying " I am sure he would have figured out how many points in a basket without you." ok. well, don't you think that a boy would try just a little harder when his parents are watching? Couldn't making his mom proud be a major factor in his accomplishment. Heck yes. Both sons play sports and I never pushed once. I just show up and cheer them on. They both quit the ones they didn't like and got good at the ones they did.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

She's Awake!!

And right full of it today. She's such a good girl. Weekends at home are nice.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Heeeeeeere's Johnny

First things first....Babies

Then my first baby and my second one.
How about THAT view eh? (note: bottom of door is 3 feet above the ground)

Does anyone remember the movie, "The Shining"? I am starting to get a little cabin fever. I love winter more than anyone, but it's getting old. It's almost April now, enough! I took the boys to the Pine Tree Sportsman Show saturday, that helped a little. The boys helped the little kids catch fish out of the indoor trout pond, they're so grow'd up. Looks like the mill is calling people back. @#$% 'em! Get this...I have inside info on the goings on at said mill... They lay off 23 because they are permanently shutting down machine #11. Now the news says they are starting to call back. Well, what the news failed to mention is that they decided for now they would continue to run #11 for 1 shift every day until october. THAT is why they are calling back. SO, what this means is that in october they are going to shut #11 down. HELLO!! They really think I am going to go back full well knowing that It's temporary at best?? Man, I can't play that game...too many dependants.