Monday, March 24, 2008

Heeeeeeere's Johnny

First things first....Babies

Then my first baby and my second one.
How about THAT view eh? (note: bottom of door is 3 feet above the ground)

Does anyone remember the movie, "The Shining"? I am starting to get a little cabin fever. I love winter more than anyone, but it's getting old. It's almost April now, enough! I took the boys to the Pine Tree Sportsman Show saturday, that helped a little. The boys helped the little kids catch fish out of the indoor trout pond, they're so grow'd up. Looks like the mill is calling people back. @#$% 'em! Get this...I have inside info on the goings on at said mill... They lay off 23 because they are permanently shutting down machine #11. Now the news says they are starting to call back. Well, what the news failed to mention is that they decided for now they would continue to run #11 for 1 shift every day until october. THAT is why they are calling back. SO, what this means is that in october they are going to shut #11 down. HELLO!! They really think I am going to go back full well knowing that It's temporary at best?? Man, I can't play that game...too many dependants.


Mainegrandmother said...

Love the pix!! bout time!! Soooo you're staying at NB? Is that your final answer? Love you!

LynAC said...

What a racket the mill is. Are you going to look into welding?

What pretty snow! (snicker, snicker.) I hear we will be in the 70's by Friday.....

noble34 said...

I dunno, it's an option. I have more drafting experience than anything.