Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Childe Roland To The Dark Tower Came.

LOL, this is what my kids looked like when they were still cute! Anyway, I was reading my sisters blog and decided to comment on my own recent readings. I have, after delving into the minds of numerous authors, settled on Stephen King as one of my all time favs. I know most people think of him as a psycho horror mutant but to anyone that has read a few of his books, most of them are not horrors, or even thrillers. Last year I read Insomnia, which was so so, but had some underlying references to his series The Dark Tower. I decided it was time to start a new series (I hadn't read a complete series since Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality), so I started book #1, The Gunslinger. I was soon taken in to a point of no return and was riding along with Roland and his friends in search of his dark tower. Book after book, I couldn't put them down. I still couldn't believe that King could write this Lord of the Ring-ish material. Maybe he grew tired of the horror tales? Quite to the contrary I found out. He started writing The Gunslinger in 1978, before Salems Lot and Carrie. The last of the series was finished on 2005. That pretty much spans his whole career. Every time he finished a #1 best-seller he would go back and start on Rolands next adventure. I am now reading a mixture of short stories that he wrote called Everything's Eventual. Even in this book only 2 of 9 stories would be considered scary. One of the 2 being 1408 which just recently was put on the big screen with Samuel Jackson and John Cusack. So in essence, I have become a big fan of Kings work, without ever actually reading a single horror novel. Although, The Green Mile was one of the best movies I've ever seen....hmmmm


Mainegrandmother said...

I love the pix!!! They are still cute tho!! I guess people don't see this side of Stephen King much. But maybe you should contact him and ask him which he prefers to write. Sounds like he went with the horror crap to make some money, but really has talent in other areas. His horror stuff gives me nightmares. Which is why I haven't seen 1028 yet. I don't want to watch it alone and Mike is never home or awake long enough to see it. Come on down and watch it with me!! Love you!

LynAC said...

I read his book about writing a while back. Even if you don't aspire to writing, as I do, it gives good insight to his methods tho I do not remember if he mentioned his dark tower series. I'll have to go back and get it from the library and see. Maybe I'll check out the series and screen it for the boys as well.

Oldest reads a lot of Ray Bradbury. Read his stuff yet? Farenheit 451 especially.