Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Latest Member

The newest member of our family. His name is Casper, or as we mainers say it... caspa'. We call him Caz' for short. Ain't he cute?! He's a love muffin', really likes attention.


Mainegrandmother said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! He's just so cute!!! Where did you get him? How old is he?? I wanna tickle his belly!!! Does he purr alot...mine don't...he's too ornery!! Love you all!!

LynAC said...

I have 2 cats but they have to live outside. Their hair gives me headaches. But always when I am pg, I want a kitten. So I figure Y'all are just nesting--getting ready for the baby girl.

Any idea How I go about saving my old blog before I murder it?

noble34 said...

I am new to this blog thing, wish I could help. What is it with "y'all", you ain't been down thar' that long. Are you talking with that accent also?? Eat a lobster or something jeez:)