Thursday, January 10, 2008

The paper maker

Youngest boy "roughing it"

What a difference! I went from being the Chief of New Balance to a grunt at the mill, don't they know what I am capable of ? Does it matter ? lol, NO! I am still in awe at the size of machine R15. It's nothing you'll see in the shoe buisness. But, besides the $, the time off is also nice. I woke up this morning, made my wife coffee and saw her off to work. I then read the daily note from oldest boy that he leaves on the table every night before he goes to bed, telling us what he needs from us. Ugh! and I quote,"I have searched high+low for my Nike sweat pants. Do either of you know what happened to them? I need them very badly! Plz check your room, my things happen to fall in wierd places... P.s. If Dedra forgets, plz put my clothes in the dryer! TYVM!" Now I ask you, WHO does he think he is? And what's with the abbr ? Are we not worth spelling things out? I also wonder how his things end up in weird places. Hmmm, Well, I ended up putting his clothes in the WASHER (he obviously never even made it that far). I think I may start posting these daily notes where some of them are really funny! Especially when he is mad. I am terrible, but it's true. I remember one a few weeks back about Dedra wearing his socks. There were lots of terms like bullcrap!, stinkin' stupid!, and so forth. Ahh. the brother/sister love brings a tear to my eye:)


Mainegrandmother said...

You are the best thing that ever happened to that mill...and you can tell 'em I said so!! Justin is sooooo funny...he must be catching it from you! Must keep things lively tho! Keep up the good work!! Love you all!!

LynAC said...

He must be relatively clean cuz I never would've touched YOUR socks!

I take my fish oils twice a day. Maybe if you did--you wouldn't lose your pills. rofl btw, get then from NSI at not wallyworld!