Sunday, March 30, 2008

She's Awake!!

And right full of it today. She's such a good girl. Weekends at home are nice.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Heeeeeeere's Johnny

First things first....Babies

Then my first baby and my second one.
How about THAT view eh? (note: bottom of door is 3 feet above the ground)

Does anyone remember the movie, "The Shining"? I am starting to get a little cabin fever. I love winter more than anyone, but it's getting old. It's almost April now, enough! I took the boys to the Pine Tree Sportsman Show saturday, that helped a little. The boys helped the little kids catch fish out of the indoor trout pond, they're so grow'd up. Looks like the mill is calling people back. @#$% 'em! Get this...I have inside info on the goings on at said mill... They lay off 23 because they are permanently shutting down machine #11. Now the news says they are starting to call back. Well, what the news failed to mention is that they decided for now they would continue to run #11 for 1 shift every day until october. THAT is why they are calling back. SO, what this means is that in october they are going to shut #11 down. HELLO!! They really think I am going to go back full well knowing that It's temporary at best?? Man, I can't play that game...too many dependants.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

You musta been a beautiful baby...

Well, that's what she is doing at the moment. Just being beautiful. She misses me when I am at work. Speaking of which, tomorrow is 50's day . Got my blue suede shoes ready, my hair gel, the smokes to roll up in my sleeve, and the toothpick to chew all day.... did I mention my leather jacket. Thank you, thank you very much.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Alexis-1 Parents-0

First night at home for the new mommy and daddy. Did not sit well with them. They even had help from nana. Am I evil for thinking this is absolutely hilarious??? Notice the vomit bucket by daddy. No, he wasn't sick, just overtired,lol. Btw, baby is still awake in this pic.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Been a long day at work.

...knowing my newest addition was home waiting for me. But it was worth the wait. Hey!! She seemed to have a little rash going on on her face today. Would this have to do with her hep shots or sumpin....we called the hospital but they didnt give is a definitive answer, they saw it and didn't seem too concerned. They could have at least given us a list of side effects of the shots eh? Anyway, she can't wait to see her grammy True this weekend, she told me herself:) In fact, she is going on about it now.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grampa's Girl

There's my girls...I just got back from the hospital again, mom is tired, baby girl is wide awake and smiling. They should be coming home tomorrow, we can't wait.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Where is my Alexis???

Still no baby. They induced for 6 hours but no go... She's being stubborn. That's ok. She'll probably go tonite if not...we are going back at 11:30 am tomorrow. Wish us the best. Love you all

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pregnancy update

Well, skowhegan stinks. The nurse called and they had to take another woman to induce this evening so they are not sure if they will be able to do it in the morning. Might not be till tomorrow evening or even wednesday morning. This bites. I am ready to take her for a bumpy ride in the truck.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Any day now!!

Lord have mercy... She needs to drop this child and quick. My sister talks about living in a home full of testosterone...while I am living with an eruption of estrogen here. Cry, laugh,cry, moan, complain, laugh... What tells me that she is real close is all the voluntary housework she has been doing in the middle of the night??? Do you agree this is a sign?? I am so glad she has grown up a little during the last few months, she hasnt left our sight. She enjoys staying home and preparing and that makes me feel better about this. Justin drove me to farmington last night to pick up my truck. We almost got sideswiped by mcdonalds but he was quick and saved us. Then, halfway up the valley road we hit a big patch of ice and started fishtailing at 45 mph. He kept us out of the ditch and managed to keep us on the road on all 4 tires. He will be a very good driver. Be that as it may, I was glad to get home:) Josh is back on the wrestling team...I feel bad for him though, he's such a muscle man that all the other wrestlers forfeit before the match. I told him maybe he ought to shower more... he didn't laugh. Well all is well here and I will keep you updated about my granddaughter. Love you all