Saturday, March 1, 2008

Any day now!!

Lord have mercy... She needs to drop this child and quick. My sister talks about living in a home full of testosterone...while I am living with an eruption of estrogen here. Cry, laugh,cry, moan, complain, laugh... What tells me that she is real close is all the voluntary housework she has been doing in the middle of the night??? Do you agree this is a sign?? I am so glad she has grown up a little during the last few months, she hasnt left our sight. She enjoys staying home and preparing and that makes me feel better about this. Justin drove me to farmington last night to pick up my truck. We almost got sideswiped by mcdonalds but he was quick and saved us. Then, halfway up the valley road we hit a big patch of ice and started fishtailing at 45 mph. He kept us out of the ditch and managed to keep us on the road on all 4 tires. He will be a very good driver. Be that as it may, I was glad to get home:) Josh is back on the wrestling team...I feel bad for him though, he's such a muscle man that all the other wrestlers forfeit before the match. I told him maybe he ought to shower more... he didn't laugh. Well all is well here and I will keep you updated about my granddaughter. Love you all


Mainegrandmother said...

Poor little mommy!! Those last few days are the worst...and I imagine she is frightened and let her cry when she needs to..poor thing!! Good for Justin!! Of course he has the best teacher!! You were a born driver!! Maybe Josh should start wrestling the girls team!! LOL!! At least he'd have fun!! So you think Bobby's move is a good one?? I hope so...Petty will miss him...he's the only good driver they have!! LOL!! Love you and hugs to all!!

LynAC said...

Ha! I just saw this-you are too funny! I hope all goes well for her. Tell her to try and relax and see the other side--it will NOT last forever. The more relaxed she can be the better it will go--not painless, but better. And if they suspect a big baby--get the epidural. ;0) I always go without drugs but I wish my first had been done with one.

LynAC said...

Just saw mom's comment about inducing. I probably wouldn't let anyone induce me again unless the baby was in danger. But anyhoo--DEFINITELY get the epidural ASAP. Induction contractions were much worse for me than non-induction contractions. Hence, why I'd rather wait until my body is ready.... Tried castor oil yet? ;-) lol I did that with Mimi--no fun either but better labor than using pitocin. (y'all DO know what castor oil does to you right?)