Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grampa's Girl

There's my girls...I just got back from the hospital again, mom is tired, baby girl is wide awake and smiling. They should be coming home tomorrow, we can't wait.


Mainegrandmother said...

Awwwww...I'm so jealous!! I want to hold that baby and give Dee a big hug!! She done good!! Don't you think Alexis looks like her???! Does Tam think she looks like Dee did as a baby?? Take good care of them and watch for PPD!! I went thru the blues a couple of weeks after you guys were born! Love you all!!

LynAC said...

ok I'm just a tad weirded out that my Younger brother is calling himself Grampa. I'm not old enough for this.....

They're both looking great tho. Congrats! Fresh, new babies are the best smell on earth. Ask me how I know.

noble34 said...

Lol, then think of me as "papa" that's better. The good thing is I am young enough to be a hip grampa.