Thursday, March 13, 2008

Been a long day at work.

...knowing my newest addition was home waiting for me. But it was worth the wait. Hey!! She seemed to have a little rash going on on her face today. Would this have to do with her hep shots or sumpin....we called the hospital but they didnt give is a definitive answer, they saw it and didn't seem too concerned. They could have at least given us a list of side effects of the shots eh? Anyway, she can't wait to see her grammy True this weekend, she told me herself:) In fact, she is going on about it now.


Mainegrandmother said...

You poor thing!! I would have cut out early!! Enjoy her while she's little...she won't stay that way for long!! And don't forget to read to her...and sing to her!! Love you..see you Sunday!!

LynAC said...

rashes can be a normal part of getting used to life in the outside world. ack on the shots--tell D to wait on shots with any future babies. It's nonsense to give a new baby anything like that. I'm so counter culture. Sorry.

noble34 said...

ty..been 13 years since Josh was born so everything is a little vague. I am counter culture myself, so don't be sorry. Especially when it comes to raising them.