Friday, March 14, 2008

Alexis-1 Parents-0

First night at home for the new mommy and daddy. Did not sit well with them. They even had help from nana. Am I evil for thinking this is absolutely hilarious??? Notice the vomit bucket by daddy. No, he wasn't sick, just overtired,lol. Btw, baby is still awake in this pic.


Mainegrandmother said...

LOL!!! and so it begins...they must be reminded that sleep is a thing of the past!! NEVER will they enjoy the peaceful life they had before Alexis! What a cutie she is and well worth the lack of sleep!! Tell 'em just to try and take it in stride..she won't stay young forever..but will still give them sleepless nights...ask me..I know!! Love you all!!

LynAC said...

I sleep pretty well once in a while. I can't remember the last time I had 8 hours in a row but that's ok. Even if there's no baby waking me up I usually get up to use the bathroom anyway. I'm just old.

Napping is great you know. Tell them to sleep whenever she is--be it day or night. It's the only way. Trust me.