Monday, December 31, 2007

Ode to cold climates and snow

I, unlike my cold blooded relatives, love winter. I took a drive to Bingham this a.m. and it was beautiful. It's always a little calmer and warmer when it's snowing. The flakes were big and fluffy and the trees were glistening a little when the sun tried to come out. Maine is like my little Alaska. The crowds of snowmobilers were gathered at all the little country stores getting coffee and fueling up. The thing that gets me is that I could count on 1 hand the number of children out playing. When I was growing up my parents couldn't get me and my runny nose to come in. What is with kids nowadays? Video games and cable TV have replaced snow forts and toboggans. We are gonna ring in the new year right here with snacks and scene it. The kids are all here, 2 with their insignificant others. English muffin pizza's anyone???!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Phew finally back!!

Well, here I am, finally recooperated from the holiday. My son has had his new pc hooked up with my monitor and such so I have not been able to get on. Hope everyone had as good a Christmas as I. What a day that was! I bought a family gift by the name Guitar Hero III. Funny story... anyway....I hooked up the hidden Christmas cam down beside the TV while the youngsters opened their presents. Later on in the evening after everyone had left and it was just the kids, the wife and I, the boys started "jamming out" with the new gift. My little rock and roll heroes,lol. Anyhoo, while they took a quick donut break in the dining room, their evil daddy hit the record button on the cam. I now have a guaranteed $10,000 america's funniest home video. I had to go back to work for the last couple days but am now on vacation til after new years. I will post again shortly.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Will Find ME....

and I am. Preparing for the big day. Soon, all my children will be here. I hope they are as excited as me. I had a wonderful day yesterday with my mom and her significant other, Mike. She made us some wonderful gifts. Enough so that I can redecorate my den today. She also brought up some of my favorite molasses cookies and had the kids decorate them. I don't think she realizes how much my kids look forward to her "hands-on" christmas' every year. We love you mom. Anyway, in the annual tradition we bought a game for the holidays. This year it was Scene It, a dvd movie clip game. We started playing boys against girls last night and we boys ruled. Of course, dad knows his movies and they quickly figured this out. By the end of the night we were playing everyone against me. UGH , I didn't even make it around the board!! Oh well, there is always tonite. Need to buy Christmas dinner today. I am making my famous shrimp dip for an appetizer, and a roast pork for dinner (kids hate ham). If I don't get back to blog I want to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh My!!!

See why I hate Dr's. 170 over 100, and I've been on a strict diet for 2 1/2 weeks. Gonna get some meds tomorrow though. Need to know what mother takes, most likely will work for me also. I have 2 mostly grown children here at each others throats just like the old days. Except now ones 6 feet tall and the other ones pregnant....180 over 110 by now I am sure.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Here are some pics of my children. 1st the basketball star/ladies man w/girlfriend Mackenzie. He is headed to University of Maine in Orono. The second is the football star/outdoorsman hunting with his dad. This kid has taught me patience over and over. The 3rd is the little mother. She is 19 and is expecting our granddaughter, Alexis Grace in March. At the moment I am trying to convince her to try my green bean casserole. It's not working.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mindless Wrapping

Justin is playing at Mountain Valley, the little mother is at a friends, and Josh is home with mom. Sounds like a good time to cram all the gift wrapping, right?? WRONG!! I know a lot of men to a crummy job so their spouses don't demand as much, but I really do try to do a good job!! 34 years old and I still can't wrap to save my life. I have to find other things to do to hide my frustration so that I can cool down a little. I need to build a wrapping machine. Yeah!! One sets the gift in one side, steps on a pedal or pulls a lever, and thump! out comes the perfect little package. Oh well, someday. On one of my cool down moments I was reading my darling sisters blog as she was unveiling her perpetual whitetail migration through her front yard. Maybe if I hadn't been waiting for said migration through my yard this past month, I would have meat in the freezer. Anyway...back on track...we have once again taken this holiday as a chance to torment our children by taking their cool presents out and swapping boxes with the so-so presents. What this does is creates an emotional roller-coaster ride that we call Chrismas morning. They say the gift of giving is the greatest gift, but I think not.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Running the roads in the snow

The snow is coming down. Now is the time to finish the stocking stuffer list. No competition!! I know mother will be upset that we are going out in this weather, and on the same token I wish my kids were home safe and sound. I let them know I didn't want them going anywhere today unless it was ME picking them up. I was supposed to start at the paper mill tomorrow but have to wait till the 7th of january because I told them I would have to give nb at least 2 weeks notice. Oh well, if they want me, they can wait.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Another loss

The cobras lost again tonight. 60-49 again wiscassett. Can't believe they would show up in this weather anyway. Justin scored 12 which is low for him. The nurse told me my blood pressure was through the roof and I don't think these games help any. I bought a cobras shirt to show my spirit and wouldn't you know it was my snotty neighbor running the booth. She's just that way coz my kids are better than hers,lol. Supposed to be a big storm this weekend, woohooo!! bring it on!!! Gas in the 4x4, snowblower and wood in the fireplace....all set....just wish my kids were all home. Sucks having kids with a life of their own....don't they know we don't know what to do when they are not around??

Thursday, December 13, 2007

How time flies

Well, now my kids are having kids,but they're still kids, oh my. The family will be 1 bigger in March. The baby's daddy is already too involved with his buddies to take car of momma so who knows where that's gonna go. My boys are both straight A students and I got the bumper stickers to prove it!! (what a hick). One's a varsity basketball player and a whiz...the other is a football hero and does 100 pushups a day. He is also a very talented guitar player like his dad. I am cherishing these years because I know they won't last and we will be alone again.