Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mindless Wrapping

Justin is playing at Mountain Valley, the little mother is at a friends, and Josh is home with mom. Sounds like a good time to cram all the gift wrapping, right?? WRONG!! I know a lot of men to a crummy job so their spouses don't demand as much, but I really do try to do a good job!! 34 years old and I still can't wrap to save my life. I have to find other things to do to hide my frustration so that I can cool down a little. I need to build a wrapping machine. Yeah!! One sets the gift in one side, steps on a pedal or pulls a lever, and thump! out comes the perfect little package. Oh well, someday. On one of my cool down moments I was reading my darling sisters blog as she was unveiling her perpetual whitetail migration through her front yard. Maybe if I hadn't been waiting for said migration through my yard this past month, I would have meat in the freezer. Anyway...back on track...we have once again taken this holiday as a chance to torment our children by taking their cool presents out and swapping boxes with the so-so presents. What this does is creates an emotional roller-coaster ride that we call Chrismas morning. They say the gift of giving is the greatest gift, but I think not.


Mainegrandmother said...

You are soooo funny!! Wrapping is an art, you know!! My greatest joy of the holiday is in the wrapping...I put crap in the boxes and make it look like something really spectacular!! You have to have the Christmas songs going and mood lighting (tree) in order to accomplish the feat! Have you heard of gift bags?? Love you!!

LynAC said...

uh sorry but mom got all the gift wrapping expertise of the family. I HATE wrapping too which is why I bought gift wrap last night and tape and yet I have not wrapped a single thing. Yup, go with gift bags....