Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Will Find ME....

and I am. Preparing for the big day. Soon, all my children will be here. I hope they are as excited as me. I had a wonderful day yesterday with my mom and her significant other, Mike. She made us some wonderful gifts. Enough so that I can redecorate my den today. She also brought up some of my favorite molasses cookies and had the kids decorate them. I don't think she realizes how much my kids look forward to her "hands-on" christmas' every year. We love you mom. Anyway, in the annual tradition we bought a game for the holidays. This year it was Scene It, a dvd movie clip game. We started playing boys against girls last night and we boys ruled. Of course, dad knows his movies and they quickly figured this out. By the end of the night we were playing everyone against me. UGH , I didn't even make it around the board!! Oh well, there is always tonite. Need to buy Christmas dinner today. I am making my famous shrimp dip for an appetizer, and a roast pork for dinner (kids hate ham). If I don't get back to blog I want to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!


LynAC said...

Merry Christmas to you too!

(we're having boiled dinner with ham--weird, huh? and a nice bottle of wine...)

Mainegrandmother said...

Sounds like fun!! I want to play!! Make sure you take lots of pix today and tomorrow and send them to me! Love you all!!