Thursday, December 13, 2007

How time flies

Well, now my kids are having kids,but they're still kids, oh my. The family will be 1 bigger in March. The baby's daddy is already too involved with his buddies to take car of momma so who knows where that's gonna go. My boys are both straight A students and I got the bumper stickers to prove it!! (what a hick). One's a varsity basketball player and a whiz...the other is a football hero and does 100 pushups a day. He is also a very talented guitar player like his dad. I am cherishing these years because I know they won't last and we will be alone again.


Mainegrandmother said...

I think your kids are just marvelous and I'm so proud of the wonderful dad you are!! You will be a wonderful granddad long as Tam can keep you from spoiling her too much!! LOL!! I hope you are safe in all this snow!! Email me...I miss you!! Love you all!!

LynAC said...

So where are your pictures?

Too bad about all that snow you're getting. Was 60 here today. (snicker, snicker)

There are a lot of years left after the kids are grown and gone. It makes me glad to have had so many. lol Just wait till I start getting grandkids....