Sunday, December 16, 2007

Running the roads in the snow

The snow is coming down. Now is the time to finish the stocking stuffer list. No competition!! I know mother will be upset that we are going out in this weather, and on the same token I wish my kids were home safe and sound. I let them know I didn't want them going anywhere today unless it was ME picking them up. I was supposed to start at the paper mill tomorrow but have to wait till the 7th of january because I told them I would have to give nb at least 2 weeks notice. Oh well, if they want me, they can wait.


LynAC said...

I'm impressed about the new job and you are right to give 2 weeks notice--what kind of new employees would they want anyway if you didn't? Means you could leave them just as fast.

The thing about Nordic Track and the knee is that there is no jarring to the knee and you strenthen the stuff around the knee. Swimming and cycling I guess are good too. Low impact stuff. Swimming apparently really is the best.

LynAC said...

ack STRENGTHEN. I really can spell....

Mainegrandmother said...

I figured you would be out playing in all this snow!! YUCK!! Took Mike about 5 hours this morning to clean the driveway and porches!! Poor guy! Don't worry bout the job..they are gonna love ya! Like me! You do know it's supposed to snow again next Sunday...what will we do?????