Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Here are some pics of my children. 1st the basketball star/ladies man w/girlfriend Mackenzie. He is headed to University of Maine in Orono. The second is the football star/outdoorsman hunting with his dad. This kid has taught me patience over and over. The 3rd is the little mother. She is 19 and is expecting our granddaughter, Alexis Grace in March. At the moment I am trying to convince her to try my green bean casserole. It's not working.


Mainegrandmother said...

But it's not Christmas yet...why you eatin green bean cassarole?? Nice lookin kids..but then I'm a little prejudiced, huh? Got all your wrapping done? Love you!!

noble34 said...

I guess I didn't realize it was a Christmas dish. Not great for my diet either....oops. She finally tried it and liked it though. Yes, wrapping's done. Even yours,lol. Have you checked out my sites lately?? Christmasy

LynAC said...

Thanks for the pics. Everyone has grown up so much! I didn't realize the Orono guy was so old but I should have since my oldest is nearly 15. ugh where does the time go? Great looking bunch!

noble34 said...

well, he's only a sophomore, but he has his mind set on orono. He'll make it. your bunch aren't to shabby neither. Especially princess, I show everyone at work her pics, she's adorable!