Saturday, December 29, 2007

Phew finally back!!

Well, here I am, finally recooperated from the holiday. My son has had his new pc hooked up with my monitor and such so I have not been able to get on. Hope everyone had as good a Christmas as I. What a day that was! I bought a family gift by the name Guitar Hero III. Funny story... anyway....I hooked up the hidden Christmas cam down beside the TV while the youngsters opened their presents. Later on in the evening after everyone had left and it was just the kids, the wife and I, the boys started "jamming out" with the new gift. My little rock and roll heroes,lol. Anyhoo, while they took a quick donut break in the dining room, their evil daddy hit the record button on the cam. I now have a guaranteed $10,000 america's funniest home video. I had to go back to work for the last couple days but am now on vacation til after new years. I will post again shortly.


Mainegrandmother said...

so when you sending the footage in?? I wanna see it! I been wondering where you were! Come hook my puter up! Is it possible to use both drives as alternates like you did in this one?? and don't tell me I'm stupid..I know it!

noble34 said...

yes,it is possible, that is what the plan is. So, the backup drive you have now will be the backup drive you have then...

LynAC said...

they said the movie was good--"I guess." Ethan didn't add the "I guess" so I think he liked it best?

totally confused about the back up drives issue. I think it needs clarification. har har

Shawn said...

Hi Denny!! (I'm not sure if anyone calls you that anymore, but that's how I know you!! :)) It's Shawn Keene! I have been enjoying so much reading about you and your family. We will be coming to Carrabec to play ball as my son Zach is a senior and is the point guard for LFHS. I will look forward to seeing you. I always enjoyed so much visiting with you and Lyn when you were growing up. Where did the years go?? I saw your Mom at Wal-Mart and wished I could see her more often. Happy New Year to you and your family.

noble34 said...

Can't believe Zach's a senior! Are you sure?? Check his ID!! That would make me...100 and something. Very nice to hear from you. As I recall we had some fun times visiting you as well. I look forward to the game. Tell Zach to take it easy on my boy, he's only a sophomore. Have a happy new year.